Project News Design Note Archive - See the good, bad, and the buggly -- all the way from the start! |
![]() has been waiting to see your reaction. |
May 28th 2010 Who did YOU guess it was?
But that will change THIS WEEK! Finally, FINALLY you'll know who Sepulchure subverted! This week you'll learn the whole story, and it might raise a few more questions than it answers... but that will just leave you more to find out later! Talk to Aria by the Falconreach Inn to start or continue this mini-chain! Grand Opening of the FalconsNest Zoo!
DragonFable: Hard Mode is ready for you! In addition, scythes have been fixed so that a scythe's damage type is based on your stats- whichever stat (STR, DEX, or INT) you have as the highest, that's the damage type that your scythes will do! If an armor's skill says that the skill does a certain type of damage, though, the scythe will do THAT damage type instead. Summer is coming! Have a great weekend and enjoy the release! See you on the forums, Twitter! |
![]() Brings the news HARD. |
May 26th 2010 It's Wednesday again! New DragonFable Contest! You're all familiar with Akriloth, right? But what you might not know is that he's the Great Elemental Dragon of Fire. Now, if the element of Fire has a Great Dragon associated with it, it would make sense that ALL the elements which have an Orb would have a Dragon associated with them. And they do! But what they DON'T have, these Great Dragons, are names. That's where YOU come in! We're holding a contest to name the rest of the Great elemental Dragons, and we want you to come up with them! If you've never entered a DragonFable contest before, here's how it works:
You can find the discussion thread for contest entries here if you'd like to discuss your own or others' entries!
The Spy of Falconreach! Many, MANY threads have been made in the DragonFable forum about the identity of the Spy, and just about every NPC in the entire game has been guessed at one point or another. But only ONE guess will be correct, and I haven't seen ANYone get it right yet! You might THINK you know who the Spy of Falconreach is after last week's pet attack quest, but we are MUCH sneakier than that!* DragonsGrasp Concept Art! And today we all gathered around the computer with Thyton and discussed what Circe's NPC will look like. Circe (you know her if you go on the forums!) is going to be a part of the DragonsGrasp storyline, but we're not going to say where yet! We ARE going to show you her NPC's concept art, though! Take a look and tell us what you think: Now, Thyton is going to take the above stick figure (I worked so hard on it!) and turn it into a REAL NPC. Words like "awesome," "maybe punk," "maybe hardcore," and "I trust you, Thyton" were tossed around. We also discussed the concept of Neutral Evil, Neutral Good, and Chaotic and just how to portray them in art.** Visitors to the Lab mean surprise treats It took less than a minute for sugar-starved game and web designers (like lab-rats, we LOVE sweet things) to swarm her! Warlic dove in and got the first donut and the rest of us circled him like a pack of hungry hyenas after a lion's kill. He would be just like a lion, if lion's had beards! That's all for today's Sneak Peek! See you on the forums, Twitter! * Except when we're being obvious. But we aren't doing that here. Or are we? DUN DUN DUNNNNN! |
![]() is terminally tired of the letter T. |
May 25th 2010 A totally terrible tragedy for typing! But that is not the problem I faced today and yesterday; a problem which completely prevented me from working for most of today and tag-end of yesterday. No, the problem I encountered was not a LACK of "t"s but far, FAR too many!
My laptop's keyboard decided that it was fond of the letter "t". It LOVED the letter "t". It was so enamoured of that specific letter that it wanted to type it ALL the time. Even- especially- when no one had come close to touching the "t" key on the keyboard. Yesterday it wasn't so bad. It just made typing in a word processor program difficult. But today, oh today! I couldn't enter in URLs on a web browser; I couldn't open Flash because it kept wanting to open random programs that start with the letter "t" (no joke!), and that was after I spent 10 minutes delete-racing the flood of "t"s to enter in my password. After a few hours on the phone with tech support, THEY were just as confused as I was. And it's never a good thing when the professionals- the people who BUILT the laptop- have no idea what's causing the problem. So, One-Eyed Doll (the laptop, so named because it has a sticker on it that Cysero brought back from Dragon*Con) is being shipped back to the manufacturer so they can fix it while I use this beat-up backup laptop. But it works* and that's all I care about! News about this week! The second quest will be a bit smaller because we want to focus on the Pet Attack finale quest, but it will be a whole new area for you to explore! The Monster Zoo is opening up in FalconsNest and there will be a quest you can access from within it called "Breakout at the Zoo!" News about upcoming projects! DragonFable: Hard Mode! You'll be getting an option to play DF in Hard Mode (which you can find under the Options tab in your game interface). In Hard Mode, monsters will have more HP, do more damage, and other fun tricks like dodging more often and having a higher chance to hit you!
Why are we putting this in now? Because with the introduction of the Kathool Adept armor into the game, we've put in the first level-specific armor. It shows that armors should- and will- increase in power based on the level they for which they are intended. What that means is a level 50 armor- like the Kathool Adept armor- is going to optimally do more damage for your character than an armor intended for lower levels, like the base class armors. As you level up, we encourage you to try new and different classes to see everything DragonFable has to offer and to do level-appropriate damage. Experimenting with different classes will broaden your play-style, too! The other classes will be rebalanaced as we have time. That's all for today's Design Notes! Check back tomorrow for a Sneak Peek of something that will be coming up either this week or next week!** * Except for the left CRTL key.
![]() is so excited about this week! |
May 21st 2010
And if any- or all- of those three things excite you, I bet you'd like more information on them. And I can give you that! When Pets Attack! But it's PROBABLY some much more nefarious reason. Your pets are loyal, loving creatures. They wouldn't just attack you for no reason, and that reason is what you need to discover this weekend if things are ever going to get back to normal! Talk to Aria outside the Inn in Falconreach to begin the quest to discover what that secret is! What development would that be? Well, if I told you, you wouldn't have to play to find out! This week is going to change the entire course of Tomix's search, so you'd better get to that Museum and make sure you find the Bolt Key! And say hi to Izaac Stellini while you're down there. He's a friend from Tomix's past. This is only the second Class we've sold for Dragon Coins, with the first being the Gnomish Personal Steamtank. Selling armors for Dragon Coins doesn't happen very often, but this one is so special, we think that it is worth it! |
![]() is so excited about this week! |
May 19th 2010 It's Sneak Peek Wednesday again! And If you're excited about the class already, be prepared to anticipate it even MORE, because the skills for it are awesome (get ready for a flood of numbers!):
The skill chains you'll really want to focus on are Shadow Swarm>Kathool's Wrath and Corrupt>Mind Twist. Those will help you do a powerful amount of damage! We hope you're looking forward to the class; Lim, Aelthai, Rolith, and Personater have done a TON of work on it trying to make it as amazing as possible for you! The above numbers MIGHT change slightly, but this is what we have right now that we're testing with. Who's ready for some Ravenloss Sneak Peeks? Meet Izaac Stellini! He's in Ravenloss on some business you'll learn about Friday, and you'll never guess (ok, knowing you guys, maybe you will) who he meets up with by accident! And if you've been keeping track of what Equilibrium Gate Keys you've found so far, and wonder which you'll be searching for this week, here's a handy guide: A question for all you music-lovers out there! All you AdventureQuest Worlds players out there get ready!
All you need to do is verify your DragonLord account in AdventureQuest Worlds, and you can do that by going here and entering in your account information! (Make sure you are on an official Artix Entertainment website before ever entering in your account information!) We like to make sure you get your money's worth when you upgrade your account in our game, and giving you perks in ANOTHER game is a great way for us to do that! We hope you enjoy the DragonLord class in AQW, and look for more details on the skills the class will receive either tomorrow or Friday! Whew, that is a lot of sneak peeking! I'm worn out, how about you? That's enough for one week! Look for more sneak peeks NEXT Wednesday, and we'll see you on the forums and Twitter! |
![]() has a new name. |
May 18th 2010 From the hand of Llykar Stonebridge, Head of the Royal Alchemical Society By decree of the Royal Alchemical Society,* we hereby award the Royal Alchemist, Alac, the surname of Poisonbane for her groundbreaking work in locating and isolating the components of a solution of crushed Brightstone and Doomdirt which has had the effect of rendering null and ineffectual many of this land's worst and most deadly poisons. She has made it known that, in recognition of the aid she recieved in formulating this substance from notes given to her by an alchemical-minded relative, that she wishes to take on the name "Alina." I wish it known, therefore, that the alchemist Alac, Royal Alchemist to King Alteon the First, may now be addressed as Alina Poisonbane. Our thanks to her for her innovative work in the field. May she have many more successes!** What that means in real life is that my game name (and that of my NPC) is changing from Alac to Alina. You can find me on Twitter, the same as always, but with new names and URLs. On the forum, my name has been changed to Alina. Why did I do this? Because when I found AdventureQuest back in 2007, I used a random user login taken from the University I was currently attending. It also became my login for the Artix Entertainment forum. And from there I went on to become an active forum member, but I'd never expected this random user login name to become an online identity, which tis quickly did once I started working on DragonFable and writing Design Notes. Names are important, and going by a name you're not comfortable with just isn't... well... comfortable! Lina was a name I used to RP with back in the late 90s, and Alina is close enough to Alac that hopefully people will get used to it quickly. That's all I've got for this late-night Design Notes post. See you tomorrow with more details on the Corrupted Water Elf Adept armor! * It is the sole province of the Royal Alchemical Society to engage in, produce, and educate on the subject of the processes and by-products of Alchemy. Engaging in any form of Alchemy automatically grants you membership into the Alchemical Society.
![]() is loving the Water Elf armor. |
May 17th 2010 You've been asking for it, and now we're giving it to youl!
This is a defensive armor, but it has a good mix of offensive skills included. In the words of Lim, "there's a really big nuke" as well as a DoT for your offisive skills, and on the defensive side, there are damage-reducer, dodge, and stun skills to help keep you alive! The animations are amazing and the skills are powerful; this is definitely an armor you won't want to miss out on! Look for more details on the skills to come on Wednesday or Thursday! News on this week's releases! Mid-morning Monday update! Have a great Monday! |
![]() managed to stay dry. |
May 14th 2010 The time has come for you to face... Kathool! It's time for Kathool to become all washed up, and it's up to you to do it! Take him down, finish your hunt for the Water Orb, and learn where Aquella's staff has been this whole time! In addition to the plot, the rewards for this quest should be mind-bending, too! Lim styled the weapons after the artwork of M.C. Escher. The new weapons will be the:
There are also THREE new random quests in The Locker, too! You can continue exploring our underwater area by pressing the "Random quests" button after talking to Aquella. These quests drop a TON of junk items (some of which- like the "Bag of Jewels"- are worth more than others), so get ready to sell them and make some gold! Make your way to Sunbreeze Grove! An unfortunate delay. But it is looking pretty awesome! We'll have pictures of the finished armor's art for you Tuesday. Have an awesome weekend and enjoy the release! We're going to go entertain Rolith's mom, who is here visiting. Maybe we can convince her to take part in the Nerf defense of the Secret Underground Lab. *Like the Basic Attack button doing triple damage at level 1... that's a BAD thing for balance! |
![]() is introducing Elysia. |
May 12th 2010 Lady Celestia would like you to meet her apprentice! Elysia's Story Elysia was raised by a pair of DragonLords to respect and revere Dragon-Kin her entire life. Her mother Amara felt that she was destined for great things, and when a Temple Priest visited their town, she asked that Elysia's future be scried. Using his crystal ball and many mystical mutterings, the Priest glared at a young Elysia from under bushy eyebrows, then turned to his gazing apparatus. He stared deeply into its opalescent swirling mists and, when he was done, looked up with an air of great satisfaction. "This child's path does not lie in a direction you would wish it to take. She is not destined to be a great DragonLord." Elysia's mother turned her face into her husband's shoulder and let out a small cry of disappointment. "No, do not mistake me. She is not destined to be a DragonLord; her destiny is elsewhere. She has the seed within her of Magic, and it will attune itself to Dragons. Properly apprenticed, she will grow to be a great champion for Dragonkind. There is a Priestess I know of. She might be willing to take your daughter on, once she comes of age..." And so Elysia was apprenticed to Lady Celestia. She is staying with the Priestess in Sunbreeze Grove to learn how to harness her Dragon-Magic ( a magic of a kind different than Nythera's. Elysia's lies in the mystical manipulation of magic in order to aid Dragons. Nythera will one day draw on her half-Dragon nature to use the magic of Dragons directly.) We have many plans for Elysia. Some you'll find out on Friday (hint: they have to do with our plans for YOUR dragons!), some you won't find out for months. But there ARE plans! News update on the Corrupted Water Elf Adept Armor! We try to listen to your feedback as often as possible, and this time you've made a fair request, so we're going to do something about it! Personater and Rolith are going to get together and talk it over, but right now it looks like the two main options for restructuring the armor are:
One of the two should happen. We hope that helps get some of you more excited about the Water Elf armor. Its animations are looking really cool from what I've seen over Lim's shoulders, and Personater's going to go all out with the skills. Have a good Friday! See you on the forums, and Twitter! |
![]() loves her mother. |
May 10th 2010 By purchasing the newest class in DF, that is! You've fought against them in The Locker, you've marveled at how thoroughly Kathool has corrupted them... now you get a chance to BE a corrupted Water Elf! This armor will be sold for Dragon Coins, and it will be released this Friday for sale in Cysero's Superstore of Savings! No info on the price yet, but we'll be sure to announce what that is this Friday in the Design Notes. Now for some details about the armor to whet your appetites:
Skills will include:
In the Corrupted Water Elf armor you'll be doing a combination of Darkness, Water, and Evil damage! And this is a Magic-based armor, so for those of you arguing that we don't give enough love to Mages, this is one right up your underwater alley! Here's what's coming this week! And you might want to head to Sunbreeze Grove for a bit on Friday. We're introducing a brand-new NPC: Elysia! I think you'll like her, she's friendly, loyal, and VERY eager to begin working. She is new, though, so she might have to go through some growing and training pains... Have a good Monday! Enjoy speculating about what's going to happen this week in DragonFable! |
![]() loves her mother. |
May 9th 2010 Midnight (or a little after) release! How are WE here in DragonFable going to do that? Why, like we always celebrate holidays in-game: with a Seasonal Rare shop! This year's Mother's Day item is a Stone element Scythe (the first of its kind!) and it's beautiful! With a lovely cherry-blossom theme, it would make any mother proud to receive! If, that is, your mother liked getting very sharp, very pretty weaponry as a gift. ... On second thought, you might just want to stick to getting your real mother some flowers and making her breakfast in bed in a few hours! If your Mother plays DragonFable, though, (and there ARE mothers out there who play the game), then this is the weapon for you! It's the weapon for anyone who loves and appreciates all the hard work mothers do for their families. I'm going to remind MY mom to log in and get hers. She's level 20 and likes to fight in DragonFable wars. Her favorite so far was the Popsprocket war. She would call and ask about news of the fighting, and even bought herself a Beacon of Hope trinket! I'm pretty far away from my mom this Mother's Day now that I'm working out of the Secret Underground Lab, but luckily there was a gift shop right next to the Post Office, so she'll have a package to open from me tomorrow (note: I did not ship weaponry through the US Mail. That would be a BAD thing for the postman. Although I suppose if you throw a coffee mug that reads "My mother, my best friend" hard enough, it'd qualify as a weapon.) Make sure you make time to say thank you and I love you to your mom today. It's always nice to hear those words, and sometimes in the day to day rush of life we forget that. I know I'll be calling MY mom up in the morning and telling her that. Enjoy the scythe, and Happy Mother's Day! PS: I love you, mom. Enjoy the coffee cup and candy.. |
![]() made up a theory. |
May 7th 2010 Hold on to it! So, instead of doing that drawn-out discussion, I'll be brief and say: If you think you're crazy, in reality, you're probably not. Only the insane ALWAYS insist upon their sanity. The rest of us know that sometimes, we're all a little nuts. And speaking of being a few apples short of a bushel, we have a Clashening quest for you tonight! Aquella is counting on you! Also, Ghost wants you to know that there's an Easter Egg in this week's quest, so be on the lookout for weirdness! (Above and beyond the normal bizzarity in this chain, that is.) And when you take on this week's boss fight, be sure to give your thanks to Personater as you get pounded into underwater sludge, because this is his first big coding project, and he went ALL out on it! It should be a very fun battle! What goes up... Since this IS Cysero's Garden and both Lim and Cysero ARE involved, things are definitely NOT going to go according to plan. That's where you come in. You'll need to clean up Lim's mess and make sure that Cysero doesn't get into too much trouble. Well, no more trouble than he's already caused, just by being near one of Lim's experiments! This week's rewards will make you want to smack your lips (after you've smacked your opponents!). They will be Nature weapons available in levels 27,40, and 51:
Next week is going to bring on the final finale of the Water Orb Saga so if you're behind in the quest chain, why not take some time this weekend and catch up? It is going to blow your mind completely out of the water!* Have a great weekend and enjoy the release! And don't forget, Sunday is Mother's Day, so be sure to log in and pick up one of the new scythes in the Seasonal Rare Mother's Day shop! (Not necessarily FOR your mother, unless she is into weaponry.) *Combo-saying! +2 rhetoric points! |
![]() wants maracas! |
May 5th 2010 That's right, it's the fifth of May! Everything in the shop is FREE! There are both non-DA and DA items, including many levels of:
Show your spirit with this nifty gear and let the party rock all day! An update on pets attacking. There is nothing wrong with the code; he is sure of that! Something else is making your pets attack, and we're not sure what it is. We'd love to be able to point to a mistaken integer and say "Oh, whoops, here's the problem!" but in this instance, we can't do that. There IS no problem! Except, of course, that your pets seem to have developed minds and attitudes of their own. Keep on tracking the pets that are attacking, where, and when they do. Let us know if the problem gets worse. We'll keep an eye on your forum discussions and, here in the Secret Underground Lab, we'll try to come up with a reason for what could be causing this. Until we do, keep a close eye on your pets. Don't turn your back, or it might be YOU they attack! Feel free to give comments about what's going on in DragonFable on the forums or Twitter! |
![]() Vegetarian zombies want GRAAAAAINS! |
May 4th 2010 ![]() That’s going to go with a couple of other big changes that will likely take a few weeks to come out; I’ve just gotten the new tweaked skill-list for DoomKnight class. Don’t worry guys, it’s not getting any weaker, skills have just been cleaned up to take full advantage of the new 9.0 engine functionality to remove some dirty code, (or in one case, to work at all), and it’ll be going up for staff testing this week with a release in the near future once we’re happy with it. We’re also discussing a change in how scythes work. Depending on how balancing goes, we’re likely going to change them to take their attack-type based on your highest stat, rather than depending on which class you use. Now, secondary skills will overpower this, but basic melee attacks (and skills that don’t change damage type) will decide based on which will do the most damage. Again, these changes aren’t coming immediately, and DoomKnight’s fixes are going to be THROUGHLY tested before they go live, but they’re under way, and the big ol’ pile of bugs is going to be dealt with, one bug at a time. Cya on the forums! (Or Twitter) |
![]() Gone hunting |
May 3rd 2010 Which is to say, making DragonFable content for you!
So, what's on the agenda for THIS week? Well, that is an easy question to answer! You'll be doing another quest in the Water Orb Saga (ready to get wet again?) and heading into Cysero's Garden in a new Clashening quest! It's been a while since we've done a Clashening quest, but now is the perfect time to do one, because Ghost needs to focus on the Water Orb Saga cutscenes. (They should be awesome, from what I hear!) Other things, most of which are related to DragonFable! First up: pets attacking the player. Second up: Confusion about the multitude of storylines and how we decide what gets released each week.
So, that's the team. Now, about the content we release. To keep stories coherent and tight, we have one writer/designer working on each storyline. You've heard the phrase "Too many cooks in the kitchen spoils the broth"? Well, too many writers in the storyline spoils the content. That means that Geopetal has her storylines, and I have mine. And since there are TWO of us, that means two different storylines being worked on and released each week. That's why we don't just focus ALL our efforts into one storyline at a time; Geopetal and I would get tangled up in each other, overwriting the other's work and generally getting in each other's way. So that's why you get a Main storyline and a side storyline quest in each week's release! Geo handles the main storylines and I get to have fun with the side content. Her current projects are the Water Orb Saga, DragonsGrasp, and a secret one you'll find out about soon! My projects are Ravenloss and The Clashening Saga and other side-projects, some of which are not game-related. I hope that clears some issues up! Have a great Monday and we'll see you later in the week! |
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