
Monday, November 22, 2010

The Midnight Bandits!

For those who have been following the minor npcs in Hunter's Paradise, you know that Dirk and Rat have set off on their big adventure.  Equipped with nothing more than some shabby weapons, sweet costumes, and their wits.  But what has become of them?  Well, we know they were in the crowd during Falconreach Idle.. but that is their last known whereabouts. Those who know them are a little apprehensive about what they might have gotten themselves into, and likely for good reason. 

Shenanigans Incoming!

I have some ideas for these guys and what I want to happen to them and around them, but I thought it would be a lot of fun to let you guys decide their fate. If you haven't already, go check out what we know of their story and post on the forums about what big adventure(s) you'd like to see for these two goons. I think I'd like to keep these guys in the background of the game, so they won't be getting their own saga or anything, but maybe we can see some of their antics along the road. Maybe they wind up co-mayoring a town somewhere, or in jail, or who knows?  There are still lots of areas and towns on the Dragonfable map that we haven't explored yet, most of which you don't even know about!  So let's find a spot for them… and you decide where & what, so consult the map at Serenity's Inn and upstairs at Hunter's Paradise, and let's have some fun with these two.  And we will even reward some of you whose ideas we use with DCs, woot woot!  The funnier, the better! 

The contest will run for one week and please, please, pleeeeeaaase try to be brief with your entries so that I have time to read them all!

Tags: #Ghost